Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Most Important Issues Facing British Society
Most Important Issues Facing British Society Since the time the 1880, migrants came to Britain to escape from different reasons, for example, neediness, strict abuse, and other distinctive social reasons. England was the universes biggest market for transportation of human lives. Presently, Britain offers LGBT rights, Black rights, and other minority rights that most nations need. In addition, it additionally offers social insurance advantage for anybody living inside Britain. In conclusion, it is a place of refuge for evacuees to look for haven. Therefore, Britain has gotten a larger number of workers and haven searchers than some other nations in the European Union. There settlers originate from nations in a wide range of parts of the world including Afghanistan, Poland, and even Ireland. Notwithstanding, in the ongoing years, there have objections by the British locals that there have been such a large number of outsiders. In the previous 10 years, there are about 1.5 million individuals moved into the UK. More than two-third of them originated from the mainlands of Asia and Africa. In 2006, the United Kingdoms populace was 61 million. On the off chance that movement proceeds at this present rate, the complete populace in the UK in 2031 will be 70 million as indicated by the administration statistician division. At present, the individuals brought into the world outside of the UK represent 10% of the UKs populace contrast that with only 6% in 1981 and 8% in 2001. This has made Britain an ethnically assorted country. In any case, there have been significant conflicts between societies in the United Kingdom. Local British individuals have faith in convention instead of reasonableness and worth network as opposed to independence. Most indigenous British occupants whined that the legislature permit an excessive number of settlers to enter inside Britain and felt that the British culture has been lessened by these recently foreigners. A large portion of these grumblings are from the London district, where the majority of the migrants lived. With the enormous flood of settlers, British individuals felt their custom was being hurt. With the opportunity of versatility in the European Union, individuals from nations inside the EU can visit and remain in the United Kingdom. A large number of them would simply remain and not come back to its conventional nations. There is a gauge that there could be 35000 individuals from outside of the European Union w ho please a guests visa and afterward never leave. At the point when these outsiders show up, they structure their own locale and changing the once British people group into their own. This disappoints a great deal of indigenous British residents as they see their old network getting changed over into an outside network. For instance, the biggest worker gathering to Britain is Polish. As of now, Polish speaks to 1/60 of the populace in Britain. These clean settlers dont completely coordinated into the British society and still proceed with their lives as though they are in Poland. They structure their own locale in Britain and keep themselves isolated from customary English people group. Besides, numerous indigenous British residents are worried that their employments may be detracted from these recently outsiders. The majority of the settlers who came into Britain are as a rule from less fortunate countries. They would try sincerely and would be happy with getting paid negligible wages. Numerous indigenous underclass British individuals have seen their occupations removed by new foreigners. In addition, indigenous British gripe that these workers have gotten more advantages from Britain, for example, medicinal services advantage than they have added to the framework. English individuals contended that they see the nature of their social help decay as migrants are evaporating the social store. As per governments most recent Citizenship study, over 77% of the populace imagines that migration ought to be cut. In this manner, in the UKs political decision in may, both the Labor and the Conservative party are thinking about setting a cap for migration. They likewise need to expand security to forestall unlawful movement and will have stricter standards for displaced people to join, ensuring that exiles truly need assistance so as to endure . Race Relation: Ethnic minority in the United Kingdom whined that they dont get indistinguishable rights or opportunity from local white British residents. A ton of ethnic minorities think that its elusive employments in Politics or to take on an official situation in an organization contrasted with white British residents. For example, Yasmin Aili Brown said she was the main minority in her News Paper organization in the United Kingdom. The British open had been exceptionally antagonistic/supremacist against her, sending her loathe sends and saying that the genuine Britain is for White individuals. A great deal of ethnic minorities particularly the Muslim gathering has a similar encounter as her with regards to separation. Outsiders whined that there were cliché and slanderous jokes towards them. For instance, Black is frequently described as uneducated and unrefined bandits. Muslim would frequently have described as wearing Hijab, turbane constantly and their refusal of liquor. One model our spea ker Adrian gave us was a case of a Muslim who moved into UK 10 years back needed to change his name from Mohammad to John so as to fit in with the British Society more. He generally doesnt get welcome to get-togethers or get advanced. In conclusion, numerous ethnic minorities/foreigners despise the way that most British individuals would group them either as Black or Asian. Individuals from India, China, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, and Japan would all be viewed as Asian and People from Hispanic nations, Caribbean island are all be considered as Black. Consequently, this is causing a great deal of minorities feel as though they dont had a place in Britain as they have lost their character. Thusly, the conflict between the indigenous and recently workers is presently a significant issue confronting Britain. Security: Because of the ongoing floods of migrants into Britain, there is a dread of the Muslim people group with Islamic religion. In 2006, 3% of the working age populaces are settlers conceived in the Middle East. Individuals feel like security being endangered in view of the worry for fear monger assault. As of late, numerous psychological oppressor exercises were directed by the Muslims who were brought into the world inside Britain. For example, there was a planned self destruction assaults in London tram station on July seventh, 2005. The bombings were done by four British Muslim men, three of Pakistani and one of Jamaican plummet, who were propelled by Britains inclusion in the Iraq War. Besides, there was an endeavor shelling assault by a British African this year. A considerable lot of individuals from these psychological militant associations were second or third era outsiders, which means they were conceived in Britain. This is a difficult issue at present for Britain since it cann ot forestall inner psychological militant assaults from its own residents. Monetary recuperation: Because of the ongoing money related emergency, Britain is as of now confronting significant issues regarding cutting its joblessness rate and paying off its national obligation. In 2008, the United Kingdom needed to rescue its money related banks, for example, RBS from bankrupting in light of the fact that a huge piece of the UKs economy was budgetary based. Thus, the United Kingdom has heaped itself with obligation after numerous boost bundles to revive the economy. Presently, the United Kingdom faces the issue of fixing its budgetary framework and the need of paying off its national obligation. The UKs government needs to cut open spending and raise charges. This is a major issue since Britains social government assistance financial plan and government spending has just been low because of the poor economy. It is hard to keep on cutting spending in the open division when there is an exceptionally high joblessness rate. Cutting spending in social government assistance program would mean there will be less advantage for the UKs residents and the vagrants who need it in the city. Also, bringing charges up in a nation that as of now has an extremely high VAT of 20% wont be useful for the economy as individuals will have less discretionary cashflow to spend. So as to decrease deficiency, the work party said that there will be a duty increment of 60% to just the top% of workers. The preservationist party proposed to begin slice spending promptly in 2010 to dispense with the UKs basic deficiency inside the following five years. Along these lines, the two gatherings consider the huge UK deficiency as a major issue confronting the UK. Be that as it may, cutting spending and raising charges would at last lull the UKs recuperation and would be an issue for the general population as nobody likes covering high assessments. UK economy is unreasonably feeble for sharp spending cuts. At present, both Tory and work party attempted to abstain from taking about spending cut on the grounds that the open as a rule isnt extremely steady of it. The administration faces the issue of decreasing the joblessness rate simultaneously in light of the fact that there would be social distress. England positively doesnt need its economy to resemble its economy during the 1970s when there was a high joblessness rate. The legislature is presently proposing to give preparing to jobless specialists in the UK for over a half year so as to understand the joblessness issue. Relationship with the Europe Union England has lost its once strength as an experimental force on the planet. Be that as it may, it stills needs to apply impact on the planet. Since the time the finish of WWII, Britain is losing its once cozy relationship with Australia and Canada as they are keeping getting increasingly free. It is difficult for Britain to keep up its relationship with the province nations because of geographic explanation. In 1973, Britain joined the European Union to get financing from the EUs focal spending plan so as to rescue its poor economy. Also, it joined to give Britain a more significance job in world issues. As of now, with the ascent of developing markets, for example, China and India, Britain has wound up falling behind regarding affecting the world and need to build up a closer bind with the European Union. Presently, it faces the issue of whether to additionally coordinate into the European Union or not. As of now, the Euro
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Political Economy Principles of Constitutionalism
Questions: 1. Peruse Tom Velks comments in the course layout for week nine, and base your answer on them. What is the standard of law? What is the central thought basic the standard of law? Find out about the six groups of law. Portray how laws are restricted in at any rate three of the kinds of laws talked about in Velks notes. 2. Rule by a Higher Law, regular law, customary law What does ''the standard by a higher law mean? Depict three manners by which it could be deciphered strategically, and the results of so doing. Distinguish two ideas of sacred government. Clarify how the constitution and its matchless quality are conceptualized diversely in every one of the ideas above, and partner your answer with the possibility of the higher law. Answers: 1. Rule of Law has been alludes to as the law was sovereign, not individuals (Billingsley, 2002). The law was composed and has been created in a straightforward manner as it has been accomplished by the endorsement of the individuals. It has been significantly limited in scope, with the goal that legal scholar and legal specialists could comprehend its importance and confine its application, translation of it were made by law specialists as opposed to by the lawmaking body or the official. Decisions made under it was an instance of open record, the people and undertakings that structure the number of inhabitants in legal scholars were chosen by an open methodology made based on legitimacy and mastery maybe with a constituent component. In the Western convention of Rule of law that law has limits was preeminent. There were five unique groups of law. The significance of these families was the degree to which every sort of law has solid limitation like: Genuine family law (a sixth class) was the standard by which conventional, more distant families were represented was in certain networks subject to hardly any limitations. So the benefits and powers of self assurance were restricted for kids, ladies, and so on who were exceptionally depended upon a pater familias. Families Include: Regulatory principles of accommodation which were set up by executives and civil servants however the standards themselves the methodology that uncovers them and their unintended results were liable to audit; Administrative principles were figured by a republican place of government; all demonstrations of the council were dependent upon examination by a free press, supported by specialists in the law; Private laws were framed by singular understandings between among the gatherings. Individual understandings have full legal standing. Understandings were rules overseeing explicit activities influencing contracting parties. The understandings dole out obligations, duties and advantages, disseminating these inside the hover of contracting elements; Protected laws; Common laws. Thus, in the Western custom of rule of law the plan that law has limitations was vital. The typify plan was consistently critical; every individual ought to be as meager controlled as potential by basic legal force, aside from when individual authoritative agreements grant benefits to be encased. There were three laws I which the laws were restricted, for example, Family law-It was the most crude or possibly the most established sort of rule framework which alck in formal cutoff points to reach and to its occasionally unbridled seriousness which concedes some trustworthiness to the idea that law advances to the degree it gets constrained. In Constitutional law it has been laid out in the authoritative arrangement of government that the names specialists of the administration and the express circulation of those forces were constrained over all the pieces of the legislature. The regular laws were likewise constrained by the most essential components of rule of law. 2. The standard according to a higher law has been characterized as no standard might be forced by the legislature except if it was regular to some basic bases of uniformity, morals and reasonable managing. In this way, the standard according to the higher law may give as a reasonable legal measures to meet the rules of the instances of political or productive dynamic, when an administration despite the fact that working in consistency with distinguishably particular and accurately passed legal guidelines, despite everything builds aftermath which numerous onlookers find discriminatory or undeserved (Dunkin, 2015). It could be deciphered politically in this setting as the celestial or normal law or fundamental legitimate convictions as established in the universal law. What's more, it was deciphered as it is currently in light of the fact that it was considered as a law exempt from the laws that apply to everyone else as have equivalent legitimate convictions for both normal and common law purviews. This plan of Kants has ended up being the foundation for the legal notion of the 21st century. The legal state thought was established on the contemplations started by Immanuel Kant, for example, in his establishment of the Metaphysic of Ethics: The activity of propelling a worldwide and suffering latent presence was not just a component of presumption of law inside the structure of untainted reason, yet as such and complete and last point. To achieve this goal, a state must end up being the general public of an assortment of people, alive offered with administrative confirmations of their property benefits secured by a common constitution. The transcendence of this constitution must be subordinate on a first premise from the consultation for achievement of the total model in the most sensible and only relationship of people life under the direction of open law. The Russian legitimate plan, set up in the nineteenth century as a result of the adjustments established by the enhancements of the Emperor Alexander II, was abandoned mostly upon the German legal custom. It was from the second part that Russia had acknowledged the strategy of Rechtsstaat, which precisely characterized as Legitimate State. Its neighboring English word was the standard of law. The Russian Lawful state thought expect the non-verbal constitution as the nation's definitive law (the standard of constitution). It was a fundamental yet uncertain standard that develop in the underlying dispositive area of Russias post-Communist constitution: The Russian Federation, the state speaks to a self-administering federative legitimate state with a republican figure of power. The two ideas of established governments were: The Legal state idea and the Russian Legal state idea. The Rechtsstaat teaching was at first settled by the German scholar Kant in his present works which were done after U.S. what's more, French Constitution has been acknowledged. His methodology was established on the predominance of the countrys non-verbal constitution established by using the higher law guideline. This predominance implied making confirmations for the execution of his conviction which was a tranquil life as a fundamental specification for the abundance of the inhabitants. References Billingsley, B. (2002). The Rule of Law: What right? For what reason would it be a good idea for us to mind?. Recovered on fifth November2016 from: https://www.lawnow.org/the-rule-of-law-what-is-it-why-should-we-give it a second thought/ Dunkin, T. (2015). Standards of Constitutionalism: The Rule of Law versus the Rule of Rules. Recovered on fifth November2016 from: https://canadafreepress.com/article/standards of-constitutionalism-the-rule-of-law-versus-the-rule-of-rules
Saturday, August 1, 2020
How to Boost Your Employee Morale with Corporate Events
How to Boost Your Employee Morale with Corporate Events © Shutterstock.com | Rawpixel.comIn this article, we explore 1) why it is important to boost the morale of your employees, 2) types of corporate events for your employees, and 3) how to arrange a corporate event to boost your employee morale.WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO BOOST THE MORALE OF YOUR EMPLOYEES?Employee morale is an extremely significant aspect of your business, as it can either make or break your organization. It is has been observed that employees with a higher and more positive morale, have a better attitude towards their job, maintain higher levels of customer service, and also turn out to be much more productive in their workplace. At the same time, employees with a bad morale reduce the efficiency and productivity of your business. Therefore, it is absolutely important to boost employee morale and ensure that none of them is left disgruntled.Happy employees turn out to be efficient and productive employees. Employees who have a positive attitude towards their jobs, and alw ays stay motivated, are likely to miss fewer work days. They also work more efficiently and perform fewer errors and accidents at their workplace. Your customer service too is likely to benefit from these employees, as employees with a higher morale will be much more friendly and helpful while dealing with their customers.Developing and ensuring a good morale starts with recruiting the right employees. Good employee morale affects how motivated your employees will be, suggests how efficient they will be during shifts and also influences how long they are willing to be with your organization. As a boss or a manager of your organization, it is your responsibility to buck up your employee morale and ensure that they are absolutely satisfied with their jobs.You have to ensure that your employees completely understand their roles, their impacts on the customers and how they add value to your organization. Once you ensure these factors, your employees are likely to feel much more connecte d in their workplace.While motivating the employees, you can also motivate them with your own example. If you show good conduct in business, your employees too are likely to be influenced by that. Try to demonstrate a proper and positive attitude, set high standards and show your commitment to serving the perfect example of achievement.You have to consistently communicate with your employees in order to boost their morale. Share the objectives and news about your organization with them. Tell them about your expectations and explain the different reasons behind certain rules and regulations. Ask them promptly about their ‘motivating factors’ and always take their feedback regarding handling staff issues.Try to involve your employees as equal members of the organization. Ensure that each of them feel valued and connected to your organization, by taking their feedbacks and giving them the opportunity to make decisions. Consult your employees while implementing certain policies that might affect them. Instead of dictating rules, let your staffs give their own input to create their favorable workplace environment.Besides this, you should also organize certain events to boost your employee morale and add a dash of fun to their regular jobs. These events play a significant role in inciting a positive and optimistic attitude among them. With a couple of fun and quirky events, your employees are likely to feel more motivated and more connected to your organization.TYPES OF CORPORATE EVENTS FOR YOUR EMPLOYEESA corporate event is an excellent way to let your employees know that they are important and highly valued in the organization. It is also a great way to appreciate them for their hard work. So in case you’re busy figuring out the right events for your employees, here’s a list of eight popular corporate events that’ll surely boost your employee morale.Activity-based events An activity-based event not only boosts the employee morale, but also adds team spi rit among your employees. Some of these events would include bowling sessions, go-kart racing games, and mini-golf course games. You can even arrange for a company volleyball or softball tournament where employees can participate according to their departments. These physical activities will allow your employees to blow out their stress and see their co-workers and managers in the different image outside their workplace.Pancake breakfast Arrange a pancake breakfast where your company executives, managers, and officers cook and serve a meal to the employees. The meal can be a breakfast, and it needs to feature only pancakes, sausages, and bacon. You can also add coffee and orange juice as beverages. The food and ingredients can be bought in bulk at a local discount supermarket or warehouse club. This kind of company event won’t cost much, yet it can play a vital role in boosting your employee morale. It will give your employees an opportunity to spend time with the management in a stress-free and positive atmosphere.Potluck lunch For this type of events, you can ask your employees to bring a particular dish for lunch. Your company can always provide the main entrée for such lunch. It can be pizzas, hamburgers or anything your employees would love. To ensure that all the food groups have been covered in the lunch, assign each individual department a specific food item or a course. For instance, you can ask the accounting department to bring the sides and the marketing team to bring the desserts. You can also host a cooking contest and present a gift certificate to the winner. Gift them vouchers to a local spa, a meal for two, a paid day off, or a free day. This potluck lunch will surely make your employees feel connected to your organization.Surprise afternoon snack You can also surprise your employees with an afternoon treat. For instance, set up an ice cream parlor that comes with vanilla, chocolate and strawberry ice cream. At the same time, you can eve n arrange a treat of whipped cream, muffins, any other popular dessert or snacks like popcorn and sandwiches in this counter. The items you serve doesn’t really matter. All that matters is your spirit of surprising your employees. Giving them a sudden surprise will surely raise their spirits and keep them happy.Casual day party A casual day party is a great way to keep your employees happy and motivated. In this party, all the employees would be allowed to come to office in their casuals. The event would include fun games, good music, and a hearty meal. A casual day party for your employees would give them an opportunity to relax and catch a break from their stressful and stringent schedules.Employee appreciation party Events like employee appreciation parties and award ceremonies are a great way to boost your employee morale. You can distribute certificates and small prizes as tokens of appreciation. In this regard, you should also try to keep a gift for everyone in-house. Appr eciating your employees through these small gifts will make them feel valued and important. This will also foster employee loyalty and help them to reach new heights of excellence.Happy hours Your company can also arrange happy hours once a week, or once in a fortnight. This happy hours session (usually held on Fridays) is simply an after-work drinks party. This party will help your staff to blow off some steam and relax after a hard and strenuous week. Happy hours encourage better communication and also foster better inter-departmental and company-employee relationship.Fun departmental trivia A fun departmental trivia is one of the best ways to build better team working abilities and boost the morale of your employees. Come up with quirky and interesting questions in this trivia to raise the spirits of your employees and motivate them. You can also arrange small gifts for the employees who manage to give right answers. An event like this, entertains, engages, and informs through a wonderful mix of fun and quirky challenges.HOW TO ARRANGE A CORPORATE EVENT TO BOOST YOUR EMPLOYEE MORALEIf you think about a bigger corporate event for your company, here is the step-by-step process of how you can arrange it for your employees.Step 1: Decide to arrange an event and define its purpose In order to boost your employee morale with a funky and innovative event, you have first to decide the type and purpose of the event. Plan and figure out what type of corporate event you want to organize, whether it will be a cocktail party, lunch, picnic or any other activity-based event. Deciding to prepare an event and having a proper goal for it will help you to conduct the activities smoothly.Step 2: Conceptualize a proper plan for your event Right after deciding to arrange an event and defining the purpose of that event; you have to conceptualize now a proper plan for it. You have to decide the budget, figure out the location, plan out an innovative invitation card/email for your employees and also plan the activities for the event.Budget of the corporate event: While deciding the budget, you have to consider every possible expense and contingent expenses that are to be incurred in the event. If you don’t set proper budget restrictions, you’re likely to spend more than you had expected. Be realistic about the budget and try to keep your costs low (unless you’re planning something really grand).Location of the corporate event: You also have to give equal importance in choosing the venue, date and time of the event. Unless it is an activity-based event, your office itself can be a convenient location. However, you can also choose any other venue if you’re planning something much more innovative. Book the location beforehand in order to avoid any hassles just before the grand party. Regarding the date, you have to choose it strategically, avoiding major statutory and religious holidays. It is also better to avoid the school holiday time periods whi le choosing the date.Invitation for the corporate event: Besides planning the budget and location, you also have to come up with an innovative invitation card for your employees. Make the invitation card as innovative as possible. Add a catchy tagline, use some bright colors and make the card look incredible. You can either hand the invitation cards individually or send them electronically to the employees. In both cases, make sure that the cards are quirky and unique.Activities at the corporate event: Another important aspect of conceptualizing a proper plan is deciding which activities you want to make at your event. As you’re planning a corporate event, you have to ensure that the activities of the event involve all your employees. Decide how the event will proceed; figure out a set of games or activities that your employees will be involved in. In case you’re planning an award ceremony, decide the prizes and tokens of appreciation for the employees beforehand.Step 3: Start o rganizing things Now that you’ve conceptualized a major part of the event, start organizing other relevant things like the tagline of the event, necessary switch-ups and a proper photo and video unit.Name theme of the corporate event: If you want your corporate event to stand out, you need to choose a compelling theme that’ll keep your employees connected and happy. Your overall theme needs to be absolutely dynamic, and your event name too has to be unique and out-of-the-box. Once you’ve figured out a name, craft a short and smart tagline for the event. This tagline should describe the event, and it should also be attractive enough to keep your employees interested about the main event. You can also add a logo and come up with special and personalized merchandise for this corporate party. This is likely to grab the greater attention of your employees.Other necessary arrangements: You will also have to make the necessary arrangements for the photos and videos. At the same tim e, ensure that there is a proper arrangement for chairs, tables, podiums, microphones, speakers, LCD projectors and every other necessary element of the event. Gather all the necessary items of the event including small prizes, gift vouchers, medals, certificates, and mementos. Once you get these things ready and buck up on the organization part, your event will be automatically conducted smoothly and easily.Step 4: Create a master plan Right after organizing certain aspects of the event; you have to come up with another master plan that would encompass every aspect of the event.You should check all the contracts, permits and logistics of the event as a part of this plan. There should be logistics for everything. Whether it is about utilizing the space of the venue or deciding a proper parking spot; everything should come along with your logistics.As the event is going to be an in-house one, you won’t have to spend much on marketing and promotion. Yet, if you want to go an extra mile for your employees and render a grand appeal to the event; you can always organize a web page for the event, popularize it on social media and promote it via personalized goodies. However, this is only viable if you’re planning the event on the slightly bigger scale.If you’re looking forward to an interactive event, arrange for the speakers and presenters who will host the show. Choose the right professionals and confirm them in advance.Creating a master plan is extremely significant as it helps you to determine the administrative process and the process of evaluation of the event.Step 5: Determine the administrative process Determining the administrative process is an extremely significant aspect of the conducting the event. This involves the ways how you keep track of your plans, goals, budget, venue, and speakers. While determining the administrative process, you are required to keep a track of all your event information and every other factor associated with it.Step 6: Determine the evaluation process This is the last, and yet, one of the most vital aspects of conducting the event successfully. While setting the initial goals and objectives of the event, you should also consider ways to determine its success. In this regard, the best way to evaluate the success of the event is by checking whether your employees are enjoying themselves or not.Step 7: Make sure every employee participate in the event and enjoy themselves As the main aim of your event is to boost employee morale, you should personally make sure that every employee participates in the event actively. Encourage them to take part in the fun and games. Help them to relax and make them feel connected with some informal conversations. Your event is successful only when your employees get a ‘real break’ from their duties. It is successful when your employees feel happy about their jobs. Due to this reason, you have to particularly ensure that the event you’re conducting is quirky a nd innovative enough to keep everyone engaged. You should also appreciate your employees as a part of the event.If you want to improve the efficiency of your employees and keep them motivated all-way-round, a good corporate event can be the perfect solution.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Personnel management - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 24 Words: 7253 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? 2.1 INTRODUCTION The effectiveness of any organization in general, is a direct function of the quality of the individuals who make up that organization. The knowledge, skills, abilities, and commitment of the members of the organization together constitute the most critical factor in the development and implementation of work plans and the delivery of products and services. Without the full commitment of its employees, an organization cannot accomplish its objectives. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Personnel management" essay for you Create order Consequently, the attraction, organization, development and motivation of employees which is the personnel function of management are a central responsibility at all levels of management that is from the chief executive to the first line supervisor. 2.2 WHAT IS PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT? There are many definitions of personnel management, but all basically say that it is: attracting and developing competent employees and creating the organizational conditions which result in their full utilization and encourages them to put forth their best efforts.1 In any organization, there has to be someone concerned with the welfare and performance of persons who are a part of the operation. When an individual or a team of individuals takes on this task of seeing to programs and setting policies that impact everyone associated with the company, they are engaged in the process of personnel management, sometimes referred to as human resources management, According to Franklin A., personnel management is based on careful handling of relationships among individuals at work and is the art of forecasting, acquiring, developing and maintaining competent workforce so that the organization derives maximum benefit in terms of performance and efficiency.2 Personnel Management is that part of management which is concerned with, people at work and their relationship within the organization. It can also be defined as that aspect of an organization, which is concerned with obtaining the best possible staff for the origination, looking after them so well that they will like to remain in the organization and give off their best in their jobs. It has to do with how best to use the skills and intelligence of people towards the achievement of organizational objectives.3 From the definitions quoted by various management experts in the past or present, the inference that we derive is that personnel management aims at attaining maximum efficiency and to yield maximum benefits to the organization. Two major points about personnel management are implied in this definition. First, effective personnel management must be future oriented. Support for organizational objectives now and for the foreseeable future must be provided through a steady supply of competent and capable employees. Second, effective personnel management is action oriented. The emphasis must be placed on solution of employment issues and problems to support organizational objectives and facilitate employee development and satisfaction To sum up, Personnel management aims at achieving these major steps: Analyzing the plan for future action and expansion. Estimating the quantitative and qualitative aspects of labour. Assessing the requirement of existing manpower or human resource. Formulating the plan for effective utilization of manpower, reducing under utilization or mis-utilization of manpower which is one of the most important resources. Finalizes the planning for recruitment, selection, promotion, transfer, training and development. Organizational effectivenes Basically Personnel management has certain goals and objectives to fulfill which includes; Creating a congenial and healthy environment for employees or workers to function effectively. To bring about organizational and human resource development through training, development programmes or even managerial succession planning. Selection and placement of right number of people and ensuring proper allocation of duties and responsibilities upon them. Creating better inter-personal relations, developing a sense of responsibility and responsiveness amongst workers and employees. Boosting the morale and sense of initiative amongst employees. Adopting best techniques or conceivable methods to bring best possible development of workers on work. 2.2.1 Functions of the Personnel Department A well-organized personnel department of an organization performs the following functions. Typically personnel work is concerned with: i. Manpower Planning: This is the first function of the personnel department. It has to do with the process by which a firm ensures that the required staff in terms of qualification and number is available at the right time. It involves determining personnel needs in relations to the objectives of the organization. It therefore deals with the qualification or education, skills and the appropriate number of personnel a firm should engage. It is therefore the process of assessing, predicting, or forecasting an organizations manpower needs in a relation to its plans. ii. Employment/Recruitment: After the manpower needs of the organization have been determined, the next stage is the make an attempt to employ the right caliber of personnel into the organization. This involves identifying sources of labour supply, carrying out recruitment, selection and placement into the organization. iii. Education/Training and Development: The personnel department is responsible for the training, education and the development of employees. It is the training needs have been determined, it is the responsibility of the department to design an appropriate programme by determining the method to be used, the course content, the duration and the institution or person to conduct the training. Training enables employees to adjust to new trends, improve their performance on the job and prepare them for promotion. iv. Wage and salary administration: Wage and salary Administration is one of the important functions of the personnel department. It is responsible for designing equitable and attractive wage and salary schemes for employees in an organization. It also determines how overtime payments. Bonuses and other fringe benefits are to be paid. It is also responsible for surveying the labour market and making the necessary changes and adjustments to the wage and salary structures to reflect the wages and salaries policies of the government of the day. v. Health, Safety and Welfare of Employment:- Another important function of the Personnel department is to ensure that there are measures to take care of the health, safety and welfare of its employees. It ensures these by providing first-aid facilities, good ventilation, lighting, drainage and proper working conditions. It also provides protective gadgets for employees to reduce the occurrence of accidents and injuries. Canteen, sports, transport, pension schemes, group insurance schemes and other recreational programmmes are provided for the welfare of its employees. vi. Industrial Relations: The personnel department plays an important role in maintaining a cordial and harmonium working relationship between workers and management. The term industrial relations are used to describe the relationship that exists between employers, employees (trade unions) and the government. Performance appraisal: organizing the appraisal process to identify development needs of employees. Personnel administration: record-keeping and monitoring of legislative requirements related to equal opportunities and possibly pensions and tax. Communication: providing an internal information service, perhaps in the form of staff newspapers or magazines, handouts, booklets, videos. 2.3 EMPLOYMENT PROCESS The employment process which is also referred to as the recruitment process involves a number of activities which are undertaken to engage the right caliber of personnel for an organization. It is therefore concerned with the employment and maintenance of qualified and efficient labour force. Employment therefore involves recruitment, selection and placement. The recruitment and selection process involves recruitment, interrelated activities which include the following. 2.3.1 RECRUITMENT It is the process of acquiring applicants who are available and qualified to fill positions in the organization.1 Recruitment refers to the first step in staffing, which is finding people.2 Sources of recruitment refer to the various avenues from which the personnel manager may recruit or employ labour. Recruits are obtained from a variety of sources. There source are divided into two main categories, namely internal and external sources. Pieter Grobler (page 167) Sources of Recruitment Internal Source Sources of potential candidates are many and varied, but a good starting point is to consider any internal candidates who might be suitable for the post. The exercise whereby the required manpower is obtained within the organization is the internal source. This may take the form of promoting a qualified worker to a higher position as they occur. Advantages of Internal Source There is less risk of error in selection and placement It boosts the morale of employees and encourages them it work hard It is quicker, cheaper and less risky than an outside appointment The recruit fits in with the culture of the organization; he knows how we do things here The individual also knows the people, systems and the business and thus the induction period will be quicker Disadvantages of Internal Source No new ideas, creativity or challenge to the culture and systems It tends to ignore qualified candidates who are not within the system A post will still need filling-the persons old post. That is he will create another vacancy The person may not be the best, qualified or most able candidate External Source Depending on management policy and the type of job involved. Management has a number of options available for obtaining people from outside the organization. These include: Educational Institutions: Organization and companies sometimes recruit fresh graduates from schools, colleges, polytechnics and the universities. Private Employment Agencies: Employers who cannot go through the process of recruitment engage consulting firms to do the recruitment for them. Labour Department: this is a public agency found in almost all regional scapitals where employees in search of employment and employers searching for employees go to register. An arrangement is then made to link the employer with the prospective employee. Advertisements: This is the most common and popular source of external recruitment where companies announce their employment opportunities through the newspapers, magazines, journals, radio and television. Unsolicited Applicant: People who are seeking for jobs sometimes apply to organizations without being aware of vacancies in those organizations. If there are vacancies, the applicant may be asked to go through the screening process. Where vacancies are not immediately available, his name will be placed on the waiting list. Employment Referrals:- Companies sometime announce job vacancies to their staff and ask them to recommend friends, relatives and neighbours who might be in need of employment and possess the required qualification and skill. Advantages of External Source It leads to the employment of people with new knowledge and ideas It leads to the employment of qualified and suitable people to fill vacant posts It promotes good will Its scope of selection is widened Disadvantages of External Sources It is costly and time consuming It may lead to low morale especially where there are qualified people within the organization The risk of making wrong selection is very high 2.3.2 JOB ANALYSIS It is the determination of the essential characteristics of a job. It is therefore a process of determining the nature of the job and the skills, knowledge, experiences and abilities of the person who is supposed to perform the job. It therefore contains information such as task performed, machines and equipment to be used, materials, products or services involved, training skills, knowledge and personal traits required of the worker. Job analysis therefore describes both the worker and the job so that there are no questions about who is doing what within the firm. Franklin A. (page 156) When undertaken carefully, job analysis could be used to; It provides the information necessary for recruitment, selection and placement of employees. It can be used to get an idea of the acceptable level of performance for each job (performance appraisal) It is used to device and implement training and development programmes It provides an opportunity to uncover and identify hazardous conditions Jobs may be analyzed in order to ensure that employees are fairly compensated The components of job analysis include. A. Job Description It specifies the duties and requirements of the job. This is a broad statement describing the purpose, scope, duties and responsibilities of a particular job. It states the title and location of the hob, grade/salary level of the job, limits of authority, number of subordinates, physical working conditions, machines, tools and equipment used, product or service produced etc. it typically portrays job content. In short, it summarizes all the basic tasks that are required to be performed on a job. A job description is what the worker does. Franklin A. (page 167) Importance of Job Description Each employee gets to know what is expected of him. It helps to avoid overlapping. It helps determine the rate of pay which is fair for the job. It helps in appraising and training employees It makes it possible for new employees to be given orientation with regards to their duties and responsibilities. It provides information from which particular hob vacancies can be advertised It guides the personnel manager in the development of job specification SELECTION This is the process by which an organization chooses from a list/pool of applicants the person who best meets the job and organizational requirements. The main objective of the selection process is to sort out those judged qualified for the job. (a) Selection Procedure i. Application Forms Applicants who reply to job advertisements are usually asked to fill in a job application form, or to send a letter giving details about themselves and their previous job experience (Curriculum Vitae or (C.V). An application form is used to find out relevant information about the applicant. It tells the organization whether or not an applicant is worthy of an interview or a test of some kind. Information usually required of candidates include; Personal data, educational background, work experience, date of birth, interests and hobbies. An applicant who is deemed suitable on this evidence becomes a candidate for interview. ii. Application Screening (Short-listing) The screening stage involves the sorting out or elimination of those applicants judged unqualified for the job. The personnel manager receives the filled application forms, and then screens them to determine those who are qualified to be invited for interview. This becomes necessary since all types of applications are received when jobs are advertised. This stage is also referred to as short-listing. It is done by marching all the applications against the employers requirements. iii. Selection Tests Selection tests are used to supplement other techniques. The tests are usually handled by fully qualified industrial psychologists. It is a practical examination to determine whether an applicant is suitable for the job. The assumption behind the administration of the tests is that a candidate who scores well in the test will more likely succeed in the job. Types of test The types of tests commonly used include:- i. Intelligence Tests: Their aim is to measure the applicants general intellectual ability. That is they are designed to measure his thinking abilities. They may test the applicants memory, ability to think quickly and logically, and skill at solving problems. ii. Aptitude Tests: These are designed to predict an individuals potential for performing a job or learning new skills. They are widely used to obtain information about such skills as mechanical ability, clerical and numerical ability. It measures a persons ability to do something given a good training. iii. Psychological tests: Psychological tests may measure a variety of characteristics such as an applicants skill in dealing with other people, ambition and motivation or emotional stability. They usually consist of questionnaires asking respondents to state their interest in or preference for jobs, leisure activities etc. Proficiency Tests: Proficiency tests are the most closely related test to an assessors objectives, because they measure ability to do the work involved iv. Medical Tests: Medical tests are carried out to determine the physical fitness of the applicant and whether he has any hidden diseases. Candidates who might have contagious diseases will be rejected. INTERVIEW Interview is a conversation or verbal interaction between two or more people for a particular purpose. Interviewing is a crucial part of the selection process because it gives the organization an opportunity to assess the applicant directly, and it gives the applicant an opportunity to learn more about the organization and whether he or she wants the job Objectives of Interview It gives the employer an opportunity to obtain information about each applicant and to assess his suitability for the job. It enables the employer to cross-check the applicants original documents or educational certificates. It enables the employer to have a critical view of the physical appearance of the applicant It also gives him an opportunity to determine the applicants level of intelligence. It provides the applicant an opportunity to know more about the organization, the job and the employees of the organization. References (Background Investigations) References provide further confidential information about the prospective employee. Prospective candidates are normally asked to submit references who can be contacted when the need arises. Such references include: schools, colleges, universities, former employers (if any) and relatives. The use of reference compels employees to be honest in supplying information about themselves to an organization. References are brief statements about a candidate made by a third party usually the candidates superior. These statements are used to confirm information supplied by applicants on application forms. Placement This is the stage where the new employee is placed on the job. He is assigned to an officer and a superior if he is a clerical worker. It is the responsibility of the superior to give the new employee in-service training where necessary and to provide a schedule of duties. Induction This may be conducted by the personnel manager and it is the process of orientating the selected applicant into his or her new working environment. It takes the form of introducing new employees to existing staff, visits to the plants and other departments, informing him/her about his duties and responsibilities, as well as the policies and objective of the organization. Induction simply means the introduction of a new employee into his or her job or organization Job Changes The post recruitment functions of the personnel manager includes transfers, promotions, demotions and termination. i. Transfers:- This occurs when employees have been assigned to another branch, department or to another job involving similar responsibilities, skills and remuneration. The transfer could be from one department to another or one station to another. It may be used to correct an error made during the recruitment process. Reasons for transfers The close down of a branch or department may call for a transfer Self request by an employee because of his inability to relate well with co-workers of lack of interest in his job or for purposes of frequent medical check-ups due to sickness. Transfer may be used as a punishment device A person may also be transferred to take up a new appointment A fall in the level of production may also necessitate the re-allocation of employees. ii. Promotion Promotion may be defined as the transfer of an employee from one job to another which involves a greater responsibility and usually a higher reward (pay). In other words, it involves a change in status and usually means appointment to a higher grade with greater and more challenging responsibilities. It is an important aspect of management because it is through promotion that a worker obtains satisfaction and shows his desire to advance and develop. Promotion Policy Many large organizations have a policy of filling senior job positions from within the organization. Others also believe in recruitment from outside the organization. Every organization should however come out with a clear policy on promotion so that employees know in advance the criteria to be used in promotion. Normally promotion is based on the following: Seniority (length of service) Practical ability (skill) General attitude and loyalty Education and qualification Personality or character Advantages of Promotion Promotion improves morale and motivation of employees in the organization. Promotion helps reduce labour-turn over in an organization It is seen as a reward for dedicated service, hard work, loyalty and obedience to rules and regulations of the organization. Fair promotions create a feeling of content among employees and retain their interest in the company. It helps employees to put in extra effort to help attain organizational objectives It improves the earning power and status of the employees Problems of promotion more qualified employees may be ignored or overlooked an employee adjudged competent when promoted may perform below expectation qualified personnel when overlooked in time of promotion may feel dejected and unrecognized. This may affect his morale and for that matter his overall performance. A worker who has a special interest in his/her job e.g. cashier in a financial institution may refuse to accept promotion. iii. Demotion It is the reduction in rank of an employee or the transfer of an employee to jobs with lower ranks backed by a reduction in salary. It therefore refers to a decrease in status as well as remuneration. Reasons For Demotion: Failure on the part of employees to live up to expectation (poor performance) Serious crime against the organization example; pilfering, fraud, leaking, organizational secrets to the advantage of competitors etc. It can also be based on indiscipline or disloyal to rules of the organization Serious or unfavourable business conditions may necessitate lay-offs and termination; some employees may accept demotion as an alternative. Problems of Demotion it leads to reduction employee status and remuneration it also creates morale problems for affected employees. Some affected employees may resign, leading to labour turn over and its associated problems, iv. LABOUR TURN OVER Labour turn over refers to the rate at which employees are leaving the business organization at a particular time and their replacement. It therefore describes the movement of workers into and out of employment of an organization in a in a given period of time It is calculated by: L x 100 A Where: L = Those leaving during the year A = Average number employed during the year or Average number on the companys payroll within that period. A high (index) labour turnover means more people leave the employment because of low morale. It could also mean a high proportion of the employment of women or scholars who have returned to college to pursue academic careers, death, pension etc. Causes of Labour Turn Over There are various causes of labour turn-over. Among them include the following: Discontentment (dissatisfaction) among employees as a result of poor working conditions, Lack of promotional avenues Poor leadership style Very long hours of work with little time for rest Unfairness and improper administration of disciplinary measures Poor wages and salaries Lack of opportunities for self advancement Boredom, wrong job assignment or lack of job satisfaction Lack of opportunity to express opinions to management and to participate in decision making. Problems of Labour Turn Over It brings about extra-expenditure, that is hiring and training of new employees Production rate is decreased and this tend to affect the volume of ales and profit margins It leads to overtime payment for extra man-hours spent on the job The money spent on training developing employees who have left goes down the drain There could be low morale for the remaining employees due to loss of old work mates and friends It takes a lot of time for workers to properly settle or fit into the system Solution To the causes of labour turnover A study or research should be conducted to identify which factors have been the cause of dissatisfaction and that have been responsible for the labour turnover. The following suggested solutions could be applied by individual companies. i. Companies should provide attractive wages and salaries to ensure that employees are above to meet their basic necessities. ii. There should also be improvement in the working conditions of workers. Protective clothes, canteen, transport, housing and medical facilities should be provided to cater for the welfare of workers. iii. There should also be opportunities for growth and development for employees, e.g study leave, provision of library facilities, promotion etc. iv. Joint consultation must be instituted to enable representatives of workers and employers meet to identify common problems and find solutions to them. 2.4 Termination of Employment Every employer has the option to terminate the employment of his employees but only on the grounds that certain conditions are meet e.g. giving of appropriate notice and payment of entitlements. Employees also have an option to resign from their present job and look for another provided they also satisfy certain conditions e.g. appropriate notice and proper handing over. There are ways by which a contract of employment may be terminated and they include: redundancy, dismissals, retirement and resignation. 2.4.1 Redundancy This is a situation where employees are asked to leave their employment because of lack of work. that is, the organization does not need their service any longer. Therefore when there is reduction in production and the workers are greater than what the organization needs, some are asked to leave employment. 2.4.2 Dismissal Dismissal is an act of sending an employee away form his employment because be is not qualified, undisciplined or is dishonest in his work. It is the permanent withdrawal of an employee from the services of a company. 2.4.3 Retirement It is the act of retiring or having stopped working after attaining a certain age. The age may either be contained in the companys policy or decision taken by the individual himself. 2.4.4 Resignation Resignation usually comes from employees. Resignation is the indication by the employee that he has ceased to be in the employment of the employer. 2.4.5 Lay Off This is a temporary withdrawal of employees from work due to shortage of raw materials, low demand for the companies products or services, or financial problems. These employees may be called back when the need arises. When conditions improve and some of the aid-off workers are invited to come back to work, it is known as recall. 2.5 EDUCATION, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 2.5.1 Education This is usually intended to mean basic instructions in knowledge and skills designed to enable people make the most life in general. It is thus a process of training and instructing people in schools, colleges, Polytechnics, universities etc. which is designed to give knowledge and development of skills. At the end of the course, a certificate is given to those who pass their final examination. Education is therefore more personal and broadly based. 2.5.2 Development This suggests a broader view of knowledge and skills acquisition rather than training. It is less job-oriented and career-oriented. It sees employees as adaptable resources and thus concerned with preparing individuals with skills and experience to fill challenging higher level positions in the organization. 2.5.3 Training Training is job oriented rather than personal. Training involves a series of actions aimed at preparing an individual with skills to do a particular job. It may be defined as the systematic development of the attitudes, knowledge and skill patterns required by an individual in order to perform adequately a given task or job Methods of Training The main methods of training include: i. Apprenticeship Training This is a method of training where the apprentice under studies his master for a number of years, learning all the basic skills involved in the profession. This type of training is given to young people who have either completed school or who have not been to school. This type of training is common and popular in professions like tailoring, dressmaking, carpentry, driving and masonry. The apprentice pays a certain amount to his master and he is not paid during the period of his/her training but given allowance as and when necessary by his/her master. ii. Supervisory Training This type of training is give to employees who have been appointed supervisors or foremen. Supervisory training involves the teaching of supervisors or foremen the skill of getting work done through others. It is therefore meant to improve on their leadership skills and qualities. It takes place in an institute in the form of seminars or workshops with discussions on leadership, morale, development, directing, and health and safety measures. iii. Executive Training Personnel in middle management and top management positions are covered under this type of training. It is a training method designed for managing directors, general managers and finance managers (accountants). Seminars, workshops and conferences are organized by the universities and other professional bodies such as institute of Chartered Accountants (ICA), Management Development and Productivity Institute (MDPI) and Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA). The training covers areas such as labour relations, financial management, business management and office management. iv. On-The Job Training Under this method of training, trainees are put directly on the job and taught how to do it under close supervision. To make such training easy, the job is usually broken into different parts and each part taught before the trainee is made to perform the whole. This type of training is suitable for routine work which takes relatively short time to learn. v. Induction Training This main aim of induction training is to introduce new employees of an undertaking to its practices, policies and purposes. It may also include visits to the plant and other departments of the organization. Benefits of Training Training has many benefits among which include: It helps workers to improve upon their existing skills and acquire new ones. It therefore improves their efficiency and increase output. Training improves employee morale because of the satisfaction employees derive from doing their jobs very well. A company with good training programme can attract desired and qualified personnel Training provides for succession. It helps to prepare employees for higher jobs or promotion. Training ensures greater accuracy of work. It ensures more efficient handling of machines and equipment by well trained staff and thus reducing cost of maintenance and accidents. It helps organizations to adapt to changes more effectively. 2.6 Performance Appraisal Employee appraisal is an assessment of an employees job performance over is period with a view to rewarding him or improving, his efficiency by correcting its short-comings. The general purpose of any staff assessment system is to improve the efficiency of the organization by ensuring that the individuals within it are performing to the best of their ability and developing their potential for improvement. It is therefore used to review performance, to review potential and finally to review salaries. Employees appraisal is therefore important in determining wages and salaries of employees and also which employee merits promotion. 2.6.1 Reasons for Performance Appraisal To review and if necessary amend the details of subordinates work and job description. To assess subordinates potential and possibilities for some other work To assess and see whether the subordinate merits further promotion To identify subordinates deficiencies or to help recognize them and to discover to what extent training is needed to improve predominance. It helps ensure job satisfaction since the employee is aware that his boss is interested in his work. To discuss work problems and help find solutions to them. To identify an individuals current level of job performance. To identify employees strengths and weakness To identify training and development 2.6.2 Uses of performance appraisal results (Date) i. Appraisal of employees provides information which enables management to decide whether to promote, demote, lay off or transfer an employee. ii. Appraisal results are used to establish the goals and objectives of the training programme or to assess training needs iii. Appraisal results are also used to determine the size and frequency of pay increases to the ratings assigned to the employee. iv. They provide the means through which management can improve performance of an employee of his job. v. Information from appraisal results to used to update the records of an employee. This facilitates the writing of confidential reports on employees during and after their stay with the organization. vi. The appraisal results also help to compare and contrast the differences of employees. 2.6.3 Problems of Appraisal The various methods can suffer from subjectivity or bias. Quite often, personal prejudice favouritism and personal relationship plays a major role in the final results. The exercise is very expensive and time consuming especially where consultants are used in the evaluation exercise. Concepts and terminologies used in the exercise may mean different to appraisers Sometimes standards are not set with which performance could be compared and assessed by appraisers. Most often appraisers are not given the necessary training and lack of knowledge in the job may render their results unreliable. 2.6.4 Methods of Appraising Employees i. Graphic rating scale A common approach to assessing performance is to use a numerical or customers while also performing a self assessment. This is known as 360 appraisal. ii. Overall Assessment This is the simplest method. It requires the manager to write in narrative form judgments about the appraisee in his own words, possibly touching on the strength and weakness of the employee, leadership ability, technical effectiveness, achievements and failures. The main problem here is that, the result depends on the writers own impressions and personal relationship and this can render the results unreliable. iii. Grading (Graphic Rating Scales) It is an evaluation technique where the appraiser is given a set of qualities and characteristics and asked to rate each of the employees on each of these qualities and characteristics. Such areas or characteristics examined included; quality of work, punctuality, cooperativeness, dependability, initiative, job knowledge, self discipline etc. The performance of the person is then given a rating such as outstanding, good, satisfactory, fair, unsatisfactory or poor or he is rated on a scale of 1.10 or A,B,C, D. iv. Results-Oriented Schemes (management by objective (MBO); This method set out to review performance against specific targets and standards of performance agreed in advance by manager and subordinate together. At the end of the period, the appraisers performance is measured against the targets or standard set against. Other methods that are being used as performance appraisal process are: Behavioral Observation Scale Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale 2.7 WAGES AND SALARIES ADMINISTRATION Wages and salaries relate to payment for work done over one year released or paid to the worker monthly. Wages are payment for a days or weeks work done released to him on that day or at the weekend. The nature and type of work determines the method of payment of wages and salaries. The following are the main methods used: 2.7.1 Time Rates: Under the time rate system, an employee is paid according to the number of hours spent on the job. This is the common method of payment in most Ghanaian companies. Employees are made to work for a standardized eight hours a day. A fixed salary is calculated and paid at the end of a stated period. 2.7.2 Piece Rate: Unlike time rate, here an employee is paid according to the total quantity of items produced. Here, the output of the employee rather than the amount of time spent on the job is of paramount importance. The output of the employee must be easy to measure and the rate per unit or piece must be established. 2.7.3 Incentives: An incentive is some form of financial encouragement given to an employee to enable him or induce him to increase his level of productivity. It is therefore a sum of money added to the employees basic rate or salary in order of motivate him. It is used by management as motivation factor and takes the form of: 2.7.4 Bonus Schemes: Bonus is an incentive payment and it is paid in addition to the normal wages and salaries of employees. Bonus may be paid for hard work, for attendance to work respect, results achieved or any other positive attributes displayed at the work place. 2.7.5 Commissions: These are used to reward salesman. The commission rate is determined and the number of units sold multiplied by the rate. It is used to discourage idleness and laziness on the part of salesmen. 2.7.6 Gains sharing Plans: This is where the money gained from increased output and above the standard is not directly proportional to the increment in output. The gains are shared between management and employees. Factors Considered In Formulating Wages and Salaries Level This personnel manager takes the following into consideration when determining the pay structure of a firm. i. The cost of Living This occurs when wages and salaries move in step with the consumer price index. When the cost of living is rising, workers clamour for increase in wage and salaries. The company must reasonably raise its salary level to enable employees cope with the rising prices of goods and services. ii. Ability to pay The ability of the organization to pay affects the general level of wages and salaries. It will be a mistake to accept a proposed salary without assessing the ability of the organization to pay. Companies, which make high profits, are able to pay higher wages and salaries than less profitable companies. iii. Bargaining Power Wages and salaries are sometimes determined by the bargaining power of the employer and the unions. A high demand by the union may lead to high salary levels. iv. Differential Abilities of Employees: Wages and salaries must commensurate performance or output. Hard working employees should therefore be rewarded higher. vi. Competitions In order to attract labour, especially in an industry where labour is scarce, a firm may pay comparatively higher than what is paid by other firms in order to attract labout from competitive firms. 2.8 JOB EVALUATION Job Evaluation can be defined as the process of placing jobs in order of their relative worth or importance for the purpose of determining wage and salary differentials. It is the calculation of the responsibility in each job taken into consideration the danger involved, training, skill, physical and mental effort so that wages are calculated and paid according to the value of such work. The grades with less responsibility get the lowest wage whilst those with the greatest responsibility get the highest wage. Job evaluation thus performs tow necessary functions. It is the process of determining the relative value of each job to the company. It must also ensure that wages are internally and externally consistent. The Process of Establishing a Job Evaluation System conduct a job analysis Prepare Job Description Determine the elements of the Job, which are necessary for its effective performance Use methods such as rating, point or factor comparison to place jobs in order of their relative worth Attach monetary value to the elements of the job. The outcome of job evaluation is the creation of a structure showing which jobs are more important to the company, which jobs should be paid more than others, and the degree of difference and pay between jobs. Methods of Job Evaluation: Raking Method This method involves ranking jobs from low to high job requirements. It is suitable for companies with few jobs. The procedure involves obtaining descriptions of all the jobs under consideration and raking them from low to high job requirements or demands. Point Method This method involves conducting a job analysis and preparing job description to determine the elements involved in each job. The elements which include, sill, effort, working conditions and responsibility are awarded with points. Factor Comparison Method This method is used to evaluate white colour jobs. The elements of all the jobs, which include sill, mental effort, physical effort, responsibility and working conditions, are analyzed and recorded. Key or benchmark jobs are selected. The other jobs (elements) are compared with the benchmark jobs on factor-by -factor basis. The comparison will reveal which job stands superior to the other. Advantages of Job Evaluation Job evaluation is used to establish the overall wage and salary structure in an organization. The process of conducting a job analysis can help receal difficult working conditions so that they can be removed. It forms the basis for providing equal pay for equal work in an organization. 2.9 HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE OF WORKERS The concern of every industrial organization should be the provision of safe and accident free working conditions for its employees. Thus the Factories, Offices and Shops Act of 1970 which was amended in 1982 (PNDC LAW 66) compels employers by law to be responsible for the making and of certain provisions for safety, health and welfare of employees in factories, offices and shops. Under the factories, offices and shops act, employers are compelled by law to keep their premises clean, provide good system of ventilation, drainage, sanitation, first aid, washing facilities and drinkable water. The prevision of accident free working environment should therefore be the concern of every industrial complex. The above health measures are therefore elaborated in the following: 2.9.1 HEALTH MEASURES The act compels employers to keep their business premises clean, provide for good system of ventilation, sanitation, drainage, lavatories etc. so as to provide for the comfort of employees. The following measures are also adopted under the act to ensure the health of employees. Noise and vibration likely to affect the health of employees must be reduced as much as possible. First and facilities should also be provided. A first aid box containing first aid requisites must be provided. A trained personnel should be employed to take care of minor ailments, injuries etc. Washing facilities and good drinking water should be provided for the use of employees The provision of suitable sanitary convenience separate for each sex. The conveniences must be kept clean and if possible toilet rolls and other detergents must be provided. The area of operation should be kept under good hygienic conditions. Education on personal and industrial hygiene should be provided. 2.9.2 SAFETY MEASURES Safety measures include the following Provision of protective clothing and appliances to reduce accidents and injuries at the workplace. Employees must be provided with suitable protective clothing, e.g boots, goggles, masks etc. Provision of effective fire alarms and proper maintenance of all equipment through cleaning and lubrication. The factory must have adequate means of fighting fire and dealing with other explosions. Display of posters on safety and showing of accident prevention films Educate employees on safety practices Electrical transmissions (generators), convectors, motors and flywheels connected to them must be properly fenced. Training facilities should be provided and no woman or person under age should be permitted to operate a delicate and dangerous machine which is likely to cause injury to that person or group of persons. 2.9.3 WELFARE MEASURES Welfare facilities include incentive and fringe benefits which are added to the employees normal wages and salaries. Welfare facilities include the following. The establishment of canteen to provide food for the workers. The food is normally subsidized by the organization. Provision of Transport facilities e.g. bus services for the workers. The buses should be provided to send them to and from their place of work. Provision of sports facilities e.g football, basketball, volleyball etc. Provision of medical facilities e.g, an arrangement could be made with a medical doctor so that employees are treated and the bills sent to the company for payment Provision of cash benefits such as loans, annual bonus, pension, social security insurance schemes. Etc. 2.10 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Just as human resource developers make sure employees have proper training, there are groups of employees organized as unions to address and resolve employment-related issues. Unions have been around since the time of the American Revolution (Mondy and Noe, 1996). Those who join unions usually do so for one or both of two reasons to increase wages and/or to eliminate unfair conditions. Some of the outcomes of union involvement include better medical plans, extended vacation time, and increased wages.1 Today, unions remain a controversial topic. Not only do HR managers deal with union organizations, but they are also responsible for resolving lockout.2 Management should ensure that, there is a cordial relationship between them and the employees so that the stated objectives can e attained as well as the overall success of the organization.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Against Legalization Of Marijuana Essay - 553 Words
There currently exists a great debate concerning Legalization of marijuana. Many people are against the idea, but there are a number of people who fight for the idea to legalize Marijuana. The people that try to Legalize Marijuana use two major arguments in their effort to have marijuana legalized. First, which is by far the biggest argument is that marijuana has a significant medical use. The second is that marijuana does not cause harm to those that smoke it. Both of these arguments can be easily discounted by the numerous studies that have been done on the effects of marijuana both medicinal and recreational. Many well-intentioned leaders and members of the public have been misled by the well financed and organized pro-drug†¦show more content†¦The fact is that there is not one reliable scientific study that shows smoking marijuana to be a safe and effective drug. The majority of the marijuana advocates evidence comes from unscientific, non-scrutinized or analysed anecdotal statements from people with a variety of illnesses. It is unknown whether these individuals used marijuana prior to their illness or are using marijuana in combination with other medicines. It is also unknown whether they have had recent medical examinations, are justifying their use of marijuana, experiencing a placebo effect, or experiencing the intoxicating effect of smoking marijuana. The main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana (THC) is already legally available in pharmaceutical capsule form by prescription from medical doctors. This drug, Marinol, is less often prescribed because of the potential adverse effects, and there are more effective new medicines currently available. Marinol differs from the crude plant marijuana because it consists of one pure, well-studied, FDA-approved pharmaceutical in stable known dosages. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Blood Pressure Among Youth Uae Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
string(59) " table with standard lower limit vesture to the nearest 0\." Background and Aims: Young person is a vulnerable group for developing about all life-style related diseases. The present cross-sectional survey was conducted to measure the determiners of blood force per unit area among entry twelvemonth pupils in a medical university in Ajman, United Arab Emirates. Methods: One hundred and 10 pupils from Gulf Medical University, Ajman, UAE participated in the survey. We will write a custom essay sample on Blood Pressure Among Youth Uae Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now A pretested structured questionnaire was used for informations aggregation. Predictive Analytic Software 17 was used for informations analysis. Chi-square trial, Univariate and multivariate logistic arrested development were used. Consequences: Variables such as baccy usage, continuance of slumber, Body Mass Index, and gender were considered to measure the association with blood force per unit area. The average age of the pupils was 19 old ages with a SD of 1.9 old ages. The average systolic and diastolic blood force per unit area was 113.5 ( SD 12. ) and 73.7 ( SD 11.2 ) severally with average BMI of 24.9 ( SD 5.7 ) . A statistically important association was observed between gender and blood force per unit area ( p A ; lt ; 0.05 ) . The petroleum Odds Ratio ( OR ) observed for sleep continuance and blood force per unit area was found statistically important ( p A ; lt ; 0.05 ) , but the adjusted OR was non statistically important. Of the participants who sleep for more than 6 hours, bulk ( 70 % ) have normal blood force per unit area. About half of the participants who slept for less than 6 hours have pre-hypertension and/ or high blood pressure. There was statistically important ( p A ; lt ; 0.005 ) asso ciation between Body Mass Index ( BMI ) and blood force per unit area ( BP ) . The average BMI among those with normal BP was 23.25 kg/m2 with a SD of 4.6 and those with pre-hypertension and/ or high blood pressure was 27.6 kg/m2with a SD of 6.5. Decision: Gender and BMI are the important factors associated with Blood force per unit area. The findings may be used to make schemes to leave consciousness of the dangers of increased blood force per unit area among corpulent and non corpulent pupils. Introduction: High blood pressure is a major public wellness job of concern across the universe because of its association with increased hazard of cardiovascular diseases. Youth ( 15 to 24 old ages ) is an of import period of growing and ripening, and most of the alterations that occur during this period are continued into adulthood1. Essential high blood pressure may hold its beginnings in early life and its co-morbidities are surely a major load on resources, and they cut down the productiveness of those affected with hypertension2. Prospective surveies have established increased left ventricular mass and peripheral opposition, with high blood force per unit area in childhood3-4. Raised BP in childhood has been recognized as one of the most of import forecasters of grownup high blood pressure. This has generated an involvement among research workers to look into the form of blood force per unit area and its determiners in childhood and adolescence5-6. Several surveies have shown that the degree and form of blood force per unit area among kids and striplings vary from population to population7. Growth patterns, age and gender have strong influence on blood pressure7. It has been estimated that by 2010, 1.2 billion people will endure from high blood pressure worldwide8. The prevalence of high blood pressure norms 26 % and it affects about 125 million persons, in the Eastern Mediterranean Region9. The United Arab Emirates ( UAE ) is in a period of passage. Equally tardily as the 1960s mobile Bedouin Arabs were the population of UAE. The find of oil in 1970s has made a dramatic alteration in the demographic profile with exiles representing more than 80 % of the population and in the life style of its people. Now the UAE is a modern, affluent society, to a great extent influenced by Western life forms, including a sedentary life style with high Cardiovascular Diseases ( CVD ) hazard profiles10. Indeed, CVDs are known to be the taking cause of morbidity and mortality in the UAE among both the subjects and expatriates11. Of peculiar concern is the prevalence of fleshiness, which reaches about 24 % among medical students12 with reported high emphasis degrees ( 65 % ) , unhealthy diets ( 50 % ) and low degrees of physical activity ( 77 % ) which is possibly attributable to cultural and climatic restrictions13. Smoking has increased among men14-16. High blood pressure is besides comm on with a reported prevalence of 19-25 % 17, 15.3 % in urban and 10.6 % rural population 18. The 15-24 old ages age is an of import developmental phase in the life span of persons as it is a passage period to maturity. In Ajman, there is a deficiency of informations about determiners of high blood pressure among young person. This information is of import in be aftering life manner alterations. Therefore, the present survey was an effort to measure the determiners of blood force per unit area such as gender, academic programme in which enrolled, baccy usage, figure of repasts and BMI among pupils in a medical university in Ajman, United Arab Emirates. Methodology: This survey was conducted among entry twelvemonth pupils in a Medical University of Ajman, United Arab Emirates. Students enrolled in Medicine, Dental Medicine, and Allied ( Pharmacy and Physical Therapy ) academic programmes during the twelvemonth 2009-2010 were included in the survey. Among 160 entry degree pupils 110 pupils participated in the survey with a reponse rate of 69 % . Verbal consent was obtained from the participants before the survey. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed among them to obtain information on socio-demographic features, physical activity, wonts, diet history, day-to-day kiping wonts and household history of metabolic upsets. Their tallness, weight and blood force per unit area were recorded. The tallness was measured on a perpendicular graduated table with heels, natess, and occiput against the wall and caput in Frankfurt plane, to the nearest 0.5 centimeter. Weight was measured on a weighing graduated table with standard lower limit vesture to the nearest 0. You read "Blood Pressure Among Youth Uae Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples"5 kilogram. Body Mass Index was calculated utilizing the expression – weight ( in kilogram. ) divided by height2 ( in mtr. ) . Classification of BMI was done based on the World Health Organisation ( WHO ) criteria into three classs: normal ( BMI = 18.5-24.9 kg m-2 ) , fleshy ( BMI = 25-29.9 kg m-2 ) and corpulent ( BMI i‚? 30 kg m-2 ) . Blood force per unit area was measured by same squad and interpreted as per the blood force per unit area guidelines, issued in 2003 by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute as shown below19. Class Systolic Blood Pressure millimeter of Hg Diastolic Blood Pressure in millimeter of Hg Normal 120 less than 80 less than Prehypertension 139-120 89-80 1stage High blood pressure 159-140 99-90 2Hypertension phase 160 more than 100 more than Descriptive statistics such as agencies, standard divergence were used to sum up the quantitative variables. Proportions and per centums were used to sum up categorical variables. Chi-square trial examined the relationship between biological variables such as corpulence, fleshiness and non-biological factors. A p-value? 0.05 was considered as statistically important. Consequences: Table-1 Distribution of Blood Pressure harmonizing to different variables Variables Group Blood Pressure Entire Significance Normal Pre/Hypertension No. % No. % Gender Female 59 70.2 25 29.8 84 A ; lt ; 0.05 Male 10 38.5 16 61.5 26 Program MBBS 28 54.9 23 45.1 51 Nitrogen Allied 24 77.4 7 22.6 31 Doctor of dental medicine 17 60.7 11 39.3 28 Sleep continuance A ; lt ; 6 hour 20 50.0 20 50.0 40 A ; lt ; 0.05 A ; gt ; =6 hrs 49 70.0 21 30.0 70 Tobacco usage Yes 3 37.5 5 62.5 8 Nitrogen No 66 64.7 36 35.3 102 Number of repasts 2 repasts 35 61.4 22 38.6 57 Nitrogen A ; gt ; 2 repasts 34 64.2 19 35.8 53 Body mass index A ; lt ; =30 63 68.5 29 31.5 92 A ; lt ; 0.005 A ; gt ; 30 6 33.3 12 66.7 18 Table 1 shows the distribution of blood force per unit area harmonizing to different variables. With respect to gender, 29.8 % females and 61.5 % males were either pre-hypertensive or hypertensive. There was a statistically important association between gender and blood force per unit area ( p A ; lt ; 0.05 ) . The association between continuance of slumber and blood force per unit area was found to be statistically important ( p A ; lt ; 0.05 ) . 70 % of those who slept for 6 hours or more and 50 % of those who slept for less than 6 hours had normal blood force per unit area. There was no statistically important difference in the blood force per unit area of pupils from the different academic programmes. Tobacco usage and figure of repasts consumed besides did non demo statistically important association with blood force per unit area. However, there were merely eight baccy users of whom five had pre-hypertension or high blood pressure while among the non users, three were holding pre-hypertension or high blood pressure. Among the participants with BMI A ; gt ; 30, 66.7 % had pre-hypertension or high blood pressure whereas among those with BMI A ; lt ; 30, merely 31.5 % were pre-hypertensive or hypertensive. The association between BMI and blood force per unit area was statistically important ( p A ; lt ; 0.005 ) . The average BMI among those with normal BP was 23.25 with a SD of 4.6, while among those with pre-hypertension or high blood pressure was 27.6 with a SD of 6.5. Table 2 Multivariate logistic arrested development analysis of factors associated with high blood pressure Factors Group Number Adjusted Oddss Ratio 95 % CI P value Body mass index 110 1.14 1.05 – 1.23 A ; lt ; 0.002 Gender Female 84 1  Male 26 3.30 1.24 – 8.78 A ; lt ; 0.02 Sleep continuance A ; gt ; 6 hour 70 1  A ; lt ; 6 hour 40 1.90 0.78 – 4.64 Nitrogen For farther analysis, the important variables from the chi-square trial such as BMI, gender, and sleep continuance were included. Logistic arrested development analysis was performed to happen the petroleum and adjusted odds ratio ( OR ) . BMI was taken every bit uninterrupted variable and gender and sleep continuance as categorical variables. The adjusted odds ratio for BMI was 1.14 which was statistically important. There is 14 % increased opportunity for acquiring pre-hypertension or high blood pressure for a unit addition in BMI. Among the male gender, the adjusted odds ratio was 3.3 which was statistically important. The opportunity of acquiring pre-hypertension and/ or high blood pressure for male gender was 3.3 times more compared to female gender. The petroleum odds ratio for sleep continuance was 2.3 and was statistically important but when adjusted with other factors it was non statistically important. Table 2 shows the inside informations of logistic arrested development a nalysis. Discussion: Surveies have reported sex differences in BP with males holding higher BP than females during stripling and early adulthood20-21. Smith and Rinderknecht study that older male childs have significantly higher BP than girls22. Kusuma et Al and Schall observed that work forces possess higher BP degrees than females23-24. The present survey besides supports the observation made by other writers in this regard. Gender difference in the infective mechanisms in indispensable high blood pressure is available in the literature. The high prevalence of high blood pressure in younger work forces compared to adult females is explained on the footing of the deficiency of endogenous estrogen. Evidence suggests that estrogen may modulate vascular endothelial map, doing vasodilatation. This may be one ground for adult females holding lower blood force per unit area compared to men25. Previous surveies demonstrated that high blood pressure increased significantly as BMI increased26-29. Srinivasan et al reported that BMI or cardinal adiposeness are the cardinal determiners of high blood force per unit area which appear at an early age. The survey besides emphasizes the function of weight decrease in the bar of hypertension30. A survey conducted among striplings observed that BMI is associated with arterial hypertension31. Reich et al. study that BMI is a strong forecaster of high blood pressure than waist-hip ratio32. Study by Berenson et Al. observed high BMI as one of the strongest hazard factors for hypertension33. The present survey besides supports the observation made by other writers with respect to BMI. Presently, there is small direct grounds to explicate the function of fleshiness in high blood pressure. Davy and Hall point out that high BP in corpulent worlds may be due to higher degree of adiposity34. BMI measures fleshiness and is associated with incre ased arterial stiffness and assorted hemodynamic alterations that may lend to hypertension35-38. Jervase et Al. reported differences in BP between males and females, with males holding higher systolic and diastolic BP than the females. The survey besides observed that gender and BMI were the important determiners of high blood pressure among university students39. A survey by Chirinos et Al. reported that increasing BMI was associated with a significantly increased hazard of high blood pressure and the Odds Ratio for high blood pressure, for every 5-unit addition in BMI, was 1.58. The survey concluded that younger individuals with high blood pressure were more likely to be corpulent compared with older individuals with hypertension40. In the present survey OR for high blood pressure was 1.14, which revealed that for every one unit addition in BMI, the opportunity of high blood pressure is 14 % more, which is similar to the findings of Chirinos et Al. In the present survey, when analyzing the association between BMI and high blood pressure, physical activity may be a contradictory factor, but physical activity was non taken in to account in this survey. There was no association between blood force per unit area and other hazard factors like baccy usage and sleep continuance. With respect to kip continuance, before seting to other confusing variables, the petroleum odds ratio of 2.33 was observed, but the adjusted OR observed was non statistically important. Gangwisch et al41 reported that less sleep continuance significantly increased the hazard of high blood pressure in topics 32 to 59 old ages of age. Gottlieb et al42 observed that sleep continuance per dark is associated with an increased hazard of high blood pressure, which is non supported by the findings of the present survey. This consequence may non be representative of all university pupils as the present survey involves merely one university and the little sample size. T his probe highlights the demand for a countrywide survey among young person. Decision: The consequences of this survey provide an penetration into the apprehension of the association between gender, BMI and blood force per unit area among our entry degree pupils. The consequences may be used to develop messages to raise consciousness about the dangers of high blood force per unit area and its determiners among pupils. This consequence may non be representative of all university pupils as the present survey involves merely one university. This probe highlights the demand for a countrywide survey among young person. How to cite Blood Pressure Among Youth Uae Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
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